Season Ends in Palm Beach

Milon Henry Levine passes out from sunstroke while dancing on a table with a Lithuanian Waitress in a Greek Restaurant at the Palm Beach International Film festival, which was not held in Palm Beach proper, but rather in a restaurant called “Shecky’s” 150 miles south of Palm Beach, In all seriousness, the Fest was intimate, informative and well programmed, and more coverage from field reporter MHL is under way.

Our Favorite Coconuts: Gilda Brunetti ,James Wells,Bob Hill,Ruth Lane,Roger Baumann Joan Abrams, David Friedman, Arthur Gronet, Arthur T Gronet
John L Miller, JrJames Ra,Johanna Chait Essex,David David
Marilyn Faith,Dick Schneider,Madelyn Wechsler Edelson Robert Hales, Bob Patane ,Basil (Bud) Presti,Ronald Shapiro,Tass von Schmidt-Pauli Frances Zeblisky Truss,Howard Sodokoff, Nancy (Henson) Hey, Nancy Abrams Ackerman,Lois Archer,Bach Ken Boettcher, Raymond Dempsey, Edward di Butera,Richard Effros Joseph Eichberg,Judy Burns Fippinger,Sheldon Freeman, and Rich From Totally Cool Del Rey magazine.