The Gaye Watkins Report

Stand up for your Rights Gaye Watkins And Michael Posner, U. S. Assistant Secratary of State Human Rights First is an organization that needs little explanation. It creates respect for people’s human rights and justice around the world. According to Human Rights First they ”help to ensure the dignity to which everyone is entitled and […]

The Notorious #9

  We are running a few tests here at Glamwire.  But this is a small scene from the opening o our 2009 film “The Notorious #9” featuring the always excellent  Michael Panes,  the incomparable Matthew Weiss, Brilliant commediene Hyla Matthews, the sped up  Miguel Vitori, Tweety and Faux Pas, and in the America t shirt […]

Ridik Headline of The day

Jacko Sackoed From The Las Vegas Sunstroke–“Michael Jackson Fired From Incognito Vegas Pool Cleaning Job.”  Did this job for a month incognito in a Howard Hughes/Wedding Photgrapher type gesture. Howard Hughes would dissapear for months at a time only to turn up in Dallas having been an incognito professional Wedding Photographer, who usually was quite […]