Glamwire’s Father of The Year: Douglas McDaniel, Tuscon, AZ


Douglas has raised four kids while being one of the great pioneers of democratic media. One of the early writers about the internet, Mr. Mcdaniel has also served as editor and cheif of Diamond Magazine, Major League Baseballs publication of record, and has created an independent media franchise as William Blake in Cyberspace…and the book of that name is the flagship publication of that franchise. He is publishing the “American Mythville” Literary Review (Vol 3 was just released)….and has somewhat heroically promoted the work of many other authors. Glamwire fondly remembers meeting Mr, McDaniel in Downtown Telluride…just days before we were collectively arrested for hot wiring an arrangement that  had NASA electronically paying the phone bill of what quickly became our shared office.  This is what it was like to be an electronic pioneer in the Wild West at the very turn of the century. Nicola Tesla literaly charged our batteries back then. In Telluride they used to say: “We’re gonna arrest ya…but first we’d like to perform a little banjo number…. D’ya mind?” To renegade electronic poet fathers everywhere….this father’s day article is for you.

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